Welcome to Moms Sharing Nar-Anon

The Nar-Anon Family Groups are primarily for those who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you. We have traveled that unhappy road too and found the answer with serenity and peace of mind.

When you come into the family group, you are no longer alone but among true friends who understand your problem as few others could.


When you come into the family group, you are no longer alone but among true friends who understand your problem as few others could. We will respect your confidence and anonymity, as we know you will respect ours. We hope to give you the assurance that no situation is too difficult, and no unhappiness is too great to be overcome.

[copyright 2014 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, excerpted from Nar-Anon Blue Booklet]

Why Have Moms’ Meetings?

While these MOMS’ Nar-Anon Family Groups (NFG) and meetings are primarily comprised of moms of children who are addicts and the discussions therein tend to emphasize the particular experiences unique to moms of addicted children (regardless of their age), Nar-Anon Tradition Three states “the only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of addiction in a relative or friend.” Both meetings are closed meetings to better ensure anonymity and security for our members.

These groups were formed to provide a safe space of experiential intimacy for moms with children [of any age] suffering from the family disease of addiction.


All experience in Nar-Anon is equally valid. That said, it often helps to hear personal narratives similar to one’s own; therefore, these groups were formed to provide a safe space of experiential intimacy for moms with children suffering from the family disease of addiction. These groups align with a similar purpose to Men’s Groups and Grief Groups.

Nar-Anon Moms is in no way intended to detract from the majority of Nar-Anon NFGs; rather, it is offered as a way to augment attendance to, and membership in, other Nar-Anon Family Groups. We encourage members to attend as many different Nar-Anon meetings as they deem helpful to their own personal recovery journey.

For a comprehensive listing of registered virtual meetings, please visit Nar-Anon’s official meeting list.

Questions? Comments?

Moms Sharing Nar-Anon’s NFGs are hosted by Rocky Mountain Region, Lone Star Region, and are affiliate groups of Global Online Region.